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Freelance Art director,

Graphic designer based in 

Tokyo / Amsterdam


Art Director / Designer of MU

Creator of MU Design Store

Lecturer at JOSHIBI


Nozomi was born and raised in Tokyo. She joined Ideasketch in 2011 after working for another design studio for 4 years. There, she was responsible for designing websites, logos, pamphlets, cross-media projects, visual identity, and posters. 

After working in Japan for over 10 years as a designer, she moved to Melbourne ​​in 2016 to expand her design skills. She worked for a construction company in Melbourne as an in-house graphic designer. She was in charge of the company's re-branding and marketing collateral. In 2018, she returned to Japan to start her own business as a designer. 

On the side, she was also involved in launching the Tokyo version of an Israel-based travel startup company called Cool Cousin.

In the summer of 2022, she moved to Sweden (Stockholm) to go to a business school called HYPER ISLAND with the aim of making a further leap forward. She finished school in 2023, moved her base to Amsterdam in 2024 and is currently working as a freelancer based in Japan and Amsterdam.

Her specialty is conveying information in a concise and minimalistic manner utilising pop and iconic graphics. In 2020, she started a new design brand called 'MU' in order to enrich people's surroundings through graphic design.

東京生まれ東京育ち。御茶の水美術専門学校デザイン・アート科卒業後、コンテムポラリー・プロダクション(現・信藤三雄事務所)のもとで、CDジャケットなど音楽業界のグラフィックデザイン制作に携わったのち、2011年よりアイデアスケッチに参加。椎名林檎公式ファンクラブサイト「林檎班」のデザイン、 コーヒーメーカーKalitaの「& Kalita」ロゴ・ウェブデザインなど、媒体問わず多くのプロジェクトに携わる。


副業として個人ガイドなど観光業にも積極的に携わる。世界中で500,000人以上が利用中の2016年に発足したイスラエル発のオンライン旅行会社、Cool Cousin(クールカズン)の東京版の運営・立ち上げに携わった。

2022年、更なる飛躍を目指しスウェーデン(ストックホルム)に移住し、現地にあるビジネススクール(HYPER ISLAND)へ入学。卒業後は東京とヨーロッパ(アムステルダム)でフリーランスとして活躍中。同年、女子美術大学共創デザイン学科にて、非常勤講師にて従事。

Highly creative and multi talented Graphic Designer with extensive experience in branding and marketing across web, print, and signage design.

Highly skilled in Visual identity design; conveying information in a concise and minimalistic manner utilising pop and iconic graphics.

Other Activities

2023 - Graphic Design Lecturer at Joshi Art University

She teaches graphic design at the department of Co-Creation Design, a new department established at Joshibi University of Art and Design. As an instructional leader, she built her teaching programme from scratch and teaches 62 students.



Hyper Island is a digital creative business school with a consultancy side specialising in industry training using digital technology. It was founded in 1996 in Karlskrona, Sweden and has offices and campuses in Sweden, Brazil, UK, US, and Singapore.

There, she studied leadership, facilitation, and team building, which aspires to improve globally in the creative industry.

2022年夏より更なる成長とソフトスキルの向上のため、世界各地にハブをもつデジタルに強みを持つビジネススクール、HYPER ISLANDへ入学するためにスウェーデンに移住。


2022 - Juror for a design award at OCHABI 

Participated as a special judge of the judging committee of "OCHABI Creative Solution Awards -2022 2nd Presentation-" held on July 24, 2022.


2021 - ​Daikanyama T-site BOOKBOX NO.82

A pop-up exhibition of MU was held at Daikanyama Tsutaya Books for a limited period of one month in October 2021. A wide range of works, from old to new, was launched at the exhibition, and products were sold as well.


2020 - MU Design Store

MU is a design concept that aims to enrich people's lives through the creativity of graphic design. The Japanese term mu (Japanese: 無) meaning "not have; without", is a keyword in Buddhism, especially Zen traditions.

Inspired by MU, we eliminate unnecessary elements to give you product-focused designs that match your interior environment.

2020年「グラフィックデザインの力で、日常を豊かにする」をコンセプトとしたデザインプロダクト「MU」を立ち上げる。現在でも人気の「Tokyo Rail Map poster」は、日本をテーマにしたイタリアミラノにあるデザインショップ「Tenoha Milano」にて取り扱い中。

2018 - COOL COUSIN Tokyo

An Israel-based tourism web platform. Nozomi participated in the Tokyo version as an ambassador. She was also involved in launching the Tokyo version in 2018, headhunting for candidates, setting-up, scheduling, and location scouting for photo-shoots with her friend Yurie.

イスラエル発のオンライン観光アプリ「Cool Cousin」の東京版立ち上げに携わった。企画から人材募集、撮影などデザイン以外のプロジェクトマネージメントにも積極的に参加した。

2012 - ELVINE Tokyo City Jacket

Nozomi participated as a local creator in a Tokyo City Jacket project produced by a Swedish clothing brand ELVINE in Tokyo.

スウェーデン発人気ファッションブランドの企画「Tokyo City Jacket」に他4人のクリエイターたちと参加。東京をテーマにアイデアを出し合い、オリジナルのシティジャケット開発に携わった。

Feel free to contact me:)

Please write in either English or Japanese (日本語).

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© 2024 MU.NOZOMI AKUTSU based in Amsterdam

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